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Competitive Events

For more information on some of our Chapter's most popular Career and Leadership Development Events visit the following pages (Members Only):

Coming Soon...

Career Development Events

Career Development Events (or CDEs) are excellent opportunities for students to develop their potential for career success, the third leg of the National FFA Mission Statement. By participating, students not only gain experience but get to forge skills in valuable fields and explore possible pathways for their future. 

Livestock Judging

Coach: Mrs. Cox


Objective: Students rank breeding and market classes of beef, sheep, goats, and swine and give oral reasons to back up their decisions

Leadership Development Events

Leadership Development Events (or LDEs) are closely related to their career counterparts but focus on cultivating premier leadership, the second leg of the National FFA Mission Statement. These events allow students to learn about leadership, acquire necessary skills, and put them into practice. 

Creed (freshman only)

Coaches: Mrs. Cox, Ms. Rosas, Loren Dhalliwal, Lexee Roeseler


Objective: Students must recite the FFA Creed by memory and answer related questions.

Other Competitons

BIG (freshman only)

Coach: Kyle Self


Objective: Students must answer questions on basic and complex FFA knowledge

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